Build a text to SQL chatbot with Claude-Sonnet 3.5.

Text-to-SQL using Claude Sonnet 3.5, plus a benchmarking against GPT models

Arslan Shahid
4 min readJun 26, 2024
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Anthropic has just unveiled its latest flagship model, Claude 3.5. This state-of-the-art model excels in understanding and generating human-like responses, making it ideal for a wide range of applications. In this post, we will demonstrate how you can build a text-to-SQL pipeline to interact with your database using Claude 3.5 and Vanna AI.

At the end I have also done a comparison on how Claude performs when compared with OpenAI models on SQL.

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Getting Started

from vanna.vannadb.vannadb_vector import VannaDB_VectorStore
from vanna.base import VannaBase
from vanna.anthropic.anthropic_chat import Anthropic_Chat

class MyVanna(VannaDB_VectorStore, Anthropic_Chat):
def __init__(self, config=None):
MY_VANNA_MODEL = # Your model name from
VannaDB_VectorStore.__init__(self, vanna_model=MY_VANNA_MODEL, vanna_api_key= #insert Vanna_API key, config=config)
Anthropic_Chat.__init__(self, config=config)

api_key = # insert your API key
# You can change models to any Anthropic model
# You can use Sonnet and Haiku but this post uses Opus
model = "claude-3.5-sonnet-20240620"
config = {'api_key':api_key,'model':model}

# Passes the configuration to MyVanna object
vn = MyVanna(config=config)

Connecting to a Database

Vanna has built-in connectors for these 8 databases (you can connect to other database with a few additional lines of code):

  1. Postgres SQL
  2. Oracle
  3. DuckDB
  4. MySQL
  5. SQLite
  6. Big Query
  7. Snowflake
  8. Microsoft SQL

By looking at the documentation, you can figure out how to connect your specific database. For the purposes of this post, I would be connecting to DuckDB StackOverFlow Database. The database can found here!

#This is how you can connect to a DuckDB database


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Training on Plan (Information Schema)

# The information schema query may need some tweaking depending on your database. This is a good starting point.
df_information_schema = vn.run_sql("SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS")
# This will break up the information schema into bite-sized chunks that can be referenced by the LLM
plan = vn.get_training_plan_generic(df_information_schema)
# If you like the plan, then uncomment this and run it to train

Training on DDL

# In duckDB the describe statement can fetch the DDL for any table
vn.train(ddl="DESCRIBE SELECT * FROM Stackoverflow.users;")

Training on SQL statements

# here is an example of training on SQL statements
question="What are the top 10 users with highest amount of Badges?"
,sql="""SELECT UserId, COUNT(*) AS badge_count
FROM stackoverflow.main.badges
ORDER BY badge_count DESC
# Another example
question="What is the difference in total answers for the user who answered the most answers and the user who answered the least questions?",
,sql="SELECT MAX(answer_count) - MIN(answer_count) AS difference
SELECT OwnerUserId, COUNT(*) AS answer_count
FROM stackoverflow.main.posts
WHERE PostTypeId = 2
GROUP BY OwnerUserId
) AS answer_counts;

Training on Documentation

# You can feed in contextual information using documentation
vn.train(documentation="We call the user with the highest answers in a year the Grand master")

You can view your training data using vn.get_training_data()

# vn.ask is runs these following functions in sequence, which can be run individually
# 1. vn.generate_ql
# 2. vn.run_sql
# 3. vn.generate_plotly_code
# 4. vn.get_plotly_figure
# this is how you can ask Vanna question's post training
vn.ask('Find the top 10 users with the highest amount of Badges?')
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Using the Flask App

Vanna comes with a built-in UI Flask app. Which can be launched inside a jupyter notebook or Python script.

from vanna.flask import VannaFlaskApp
app = VannaFlaskApp(vn)
Image by Athor


How does Claude Sonnet 3.5 compare to GPT 4o? We’ve compared them using our benchmarks. (Schema-only means Vanna was only trained on data definition language (DDL), and Schema-and-reference-sql means it was also trained on SQL question pairs.)


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Claude sonnet 3.5 performs rather poorly compared with other LLMs when only trained on schema information. Which is odd.


Rather shockingly, Claude-3.5 outperforms all other LLMs when trained on reference SQL and SQL-question pairs.


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So, when taken an average of the two scores, Claude-Sonnet 3.5 performs similar range to GPT-4o.

Thank you for reading!



Arslan Shahid

Life has the Markov property, the future is independent of the past, given the present